Search for "smart city"

81 results
The Future of Financial Services in China
China’s healthcare market is expected to grow from RMB6 trillion in 2019 to RMB16 trillion in 2030 Ping An Leading Digital Revolution in Healthcare. Pandemic accelerating shift to online/offline service delivery
Technology ushering in a new era of social health insurance cost management
AskBob: Doctors’ AI Assistant set to enhance patient care in China
Ping An's Natural Language Processing Technology Ranked #1 in International Competition
Ping An Ranks 38th in BRANDZ™ Top 100 Global Brands, Tops Global Insurance Brand Rankings for 5th Consecutive Year
Ping An Ranks 8th in 2019 International Patent Applications, Demonstrating Leading Position in Technology R&D
Jessica Tan's interview with IMD
Underwriting China’s health transformation
Ping An's First Life Insurance Policy - Chpt 2

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