Sustainability Governance

Incorporating sustainability as a part of our strategy, we direct instruct all functional departments and member companies of the Group to enhance corporate governance based on business practices in a methodical, professional, and systematic manner.

Ping An has an advanced corporate governance structure and a leading risk management system. We have fully recognized the risks and opportunities of Environmental, Social and Governance issues on the company’s growth. Therefore, we continue to integrate sustainability principles into our business and daily operations in a professional and systematic manner.

Ping An’s Sustainability governance

Ping An integrates sustainability into its development strategy. It has built a rational, professional, corporate sustainability management framework and a transparent ESG governance structure to guide the functional units and member companies of the Group to enhance corporate governance and business sustainability systematically.

Stakeholders, including shareholders customers, employees. the community and environmont, and businoss partners are paramount importance to Ping An. In order to thoroughly understand stakeholders' oxpectations far Ping An. specity information needs. and evaluate the effects of company activities on each group, Ping An has astablished many channels for timely communications.

Ping An follows the Hong Kong Exchange's Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide on stakeholcle Tievement by actively collecting suggestions and feedback from internal and external stakenolders throught regular moetings, sustainability sminars, and other workshops.

Communication channels
Ping An Group
  • Corporate notices, interim and annual reports
  • General Meeting of shareholders
  • Investors forum
  • Regular visits and communications
Ping An Group
  • Customer services (phone, online and face-to-face channels)
  • Interaction on WeChat platform
  • Net promoter socre Survey
Ping An Group
  • Meeting with employee representatives
  • Redress channels for employees
  • Employee hotlines
  • Internal office management system
Ping An Group
Business Partners
  • Procurement activities
  • Supply chain management system
  • Supplies’ meetings
Ping An Group
Community & Environment
  • Community & charitable events
  • Volunteering activities
  • Interactions on social media

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