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228 results
Ping An Announces Changes to Board of Supervisors, Board of Directors and Senior Management Appointment of Sun Jianyi as Chairman of Board of Supervisors, Ren Huichuan as Vice Chairman of Board of Directors and Xie Yonglin as President
Ping An Ranked 79th Most Valuable International Brand by BrandFinance
Ping An’s 9M18 operating profit attributable to shareholders of parent company rose 19.5%, Life VNB growth rate improved in Q3
Ping An Named Insurance Company of the Year, ESG, China by The Asset
Q&A on Changes to Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
Peter Ma: Keep up with the times to transform knowledge into value
Ping An Launches Special Initiatives to Support Jiuzhaigou Earthquake Disaster Zone
OneConnect Forms Joint Venture with SBI Group to Expand Reach in Asia-Pacific
Ping An Financial OneConnect Unveils “Smart Insurance Cloud” to over 100 Insurance Companies

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