Search for " leadership"

61 results
Ping An Announces Changes to Board of Supervisors, Board of Directors and Senior Management Appointment of Sun Jianyi as Chairman of Board of Supervisors, Ren Huichuan as Vice Chairman of Board of Directors and Xie Yonglin as President
Ping An appoints Co-Chief Executive Officers
Q&A on Changes to Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
Yao Bo appointed as Co-CEO of Ping An, Ma Mingzhe resigns as CEO and continues to serve as Chairman
The Power of She: The rise of Chinese female leadership in the workplace
Ping An appoints Jonathan Larsen as Chief Innovation Officer and CEO of new USD1 Billion Fin-tech and Health-tech fund
Ping An Chairman Dr. Ma Mingzhe Receives Director of The Year Award from The Hong Kong Institute of Directors
Ping An Appoints Lu Min as Chief Insurance Business Officer
Our Leadership
Michael Guo Xiaotao appointed Co-CEO of Ping An Group, Jessica Tan resigns and continues to serve as company director

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