Search for "smart-city"

72 results
Yao Bo appointed as Co-CEO of Ping An, Ma Mingzhe resigns as CEO and continues to serve as Chairman
Ping An AskBob Doctor’s Deep Learning Model Improves Diagnosis of Kidney Disease
Human-Machine Competition: Ping An’s AskBob Doctor’s AI Matches Doctors’ Capabilities in Cardiovascular Disease Management
Ping An Technology and Intel to Establish Joint Innovation Laboratory
Ping An Research on AI Applications for Retinal Imaging Selected at Top International Medical Imaging Conference ISBI
Ping An Donates £1.1m of COVID-19 Medical Supplies to United Kingdom
Special Report: The COVID-19 Epidemic Forecasts (Issue 2)
Ping An Ranks 8th in 2019 International Patent Applications, Demonstrating Leading Position in Technology R&D
Ping An Consumer Finance Launches, Expanding Footprint in Financial Services Sector
Special Report on The COVID-19 Epidemic Forecasts (Issue 3)

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