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229 results
ESG Practice and Reflection from Ping An
Ping An Reports Steady Growth of 9.2% in Operating Profit Attributable to Shareholders of Parent Company in 9M 2021. Total Assets exceeded RMB10 Trillion
Ping An continues steady growth in 1Q 2019 with 21% YoY increase in operating profit
Ping An Launches Upgrade of Green Finance Activities to Support China’s Goal of Carbon Neutrality
Ping An and Imperial College Business School Hosting Virtual Conference on ESG and Climate Risks in Investment Management
Ping An P&C received a Financial Strength Rating of A (Excellent) and a Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “a+” (Excellent) by AM Best
Fintech offers win-win opportunity for tech and financial services sectors
Ping An Life becomes first China insurance company to issue ESG bond index
Ping An Receives Approval for Founder Group Restructuring Investment. Seven Entities Incorporated Under New Founder Group. The Group is committed to becoming the world’s leading integrated finance and healthcare service provider
Ping An awarded A in MSCI ESG Ratings

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