Search for "Ping An Technology"

280 results
China’s healthcare market is expected to grow from RMB6 trillion in 2019 to RMB16 trillion in 2030 Ping An Leading Digital Revolution in Healthcare. Pandemic accelerating shift to online/offline service delivery
Ping An to trial China’s first-ever financial data center with PUE<1.25 with the goal to achieve operational carbon neutrality in 2030
Ping An’s Object Detection Model Breaks Record in International Computer Vision Competition
Ping An Sets World Record In General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) Benchmark
Ping An’s Bond Default Analysis Wins in Financial Category at Artificial Intelligence World Innovations Competition
Ping An Co-CEO Jessica Tan: Diversity key to changing evolving Ping An’s business models to serve 200 million+ in China
Ping An Co-CEO Jessica Tan: Technology has power to transform elderly care in Asia
Ping An Uses Artificial Intelligence to Drive New ESG Investment Strategies. Access to data from alternative sources can uncover hidden risks and opportunities
Ping An’s healthtech arm cooperates with the Medical AI Lab Program of HKU
Ping An Receives Five “All-Asia Executive Team 2024” Accolades From Institutional Investor Magazine

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