Search for " quarterly results"

9 results
Ping An Asset Management Company statement on HSBC Group Plc
Ping An continues steady growth in 1Q 2019 with 21% YoY increase in operating profit
Ping An Uses Artificial Intelligence to Drive New ESG Investment Strategies. Access to data from alternative sources can uncover hidden risks and opportunities
Ping An Announces Q1 2016 Results
Ping An Reports YoY Growth of 8.9% in Operating Profit Attributable to Shareholders of the Parent Company in Q1 2021
Ping An Q1 Net Profit Achieves Solid Growth of 11.4%, Life Insurance New Business Value Surges 60.0%
Ping An’s 9M18 operating profit attributable to shareholders of parent company rose 19.5%, Life VNB growth rate improved in Q3
Ping An Reports YoY Growth of 5.3% in Operating Profit Attributable to Shareholders of the Parent Company in Q1 2020
Ping An Announced IFRS 17 Update and Financial Information under IFRS 17 for 2022

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